Happy Dog - Happy Life : Homes near good parks.

This month we bring you a collection of the best homes that are perfect for walking your pooch in Newport Beach and the surrounding area. Click here to view the collection:  https://www.compass.com/c/deborah.cowles/happy-dog,-happy-life---…

This month we bring you a collection of the best homes that are perfect for walking your pooch in Newport Beach and the surrounding area. 
Click here to view the collection:  https://www.compass.com/c/deborah.cowles/happy-dog,-happy-life---homes-near-good-parks?1501293068723

With Compass' Collections, we can curate custom searches for you based on your personal preferences. If you are currently considering buying or selling and would like more specific search information, please contact us and we would be happy to create a personal collection for you. #dkfindshome #homesbyDkCowles